Sunday, 30 July 2017

Planning the year ahead

In August we start a brand new school year. Kasey-Ray will be in P7 which means, in Scotland, she will be in her final year at primary school. It also means that this will be our first full school year at home schooling.
Currently I am working on preparing a timetable for the entire year. It is a big task, especially because I have never done it before. Not only that I want to make the school year fun but educational.
It is a continuous worry as to whether we are doing the right thing, but I suppose this goes part and parcel with just starting out.
Kasey-Ray has already told us that she wants to do lots of baking and science but I also want to ensure that she learns English and Maths too.
One of the main places that I get resources from is a website called Twinkl. I joined when we first started homeschooling and decided to sign up to the premium package so that I have access to everything. I have to say that it is a great website and there are so many great resources on there.
This year we will be adding three languages to the school year - French, Sign Language & Spanish. I want to teach Kasey-Ray the basics then come the end of the school year she can decide if she wants to continue any of them.
We will be doing lots of other things like Art, Computing, Social Skills, to name just a few. And even though we will have a structure in place we will be going at Kasey-Ray's pace and focusing on things she struggles with and trying to find more fun ways to help her improve these. 
One thing we don't want is for learning to become a chore. We want her to love learning, which is why I have been buying fun Science experiments.
The great thing about all of this is the fact that not only is Kasey-Ray learning new things but, as a family, we are learning too.
There are some lessons that I 'eek' at, such as French and Spanish. My language skills are a bit rusty.
There are lots of trips planned too.
Currently I have problems with my health but it is great that whilst I am having hospital visits my husband and eldest daughter are on hand to help out with the learning.
Look out for posts about our progress from the 21st August.

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